Several Creative Endeavors Here...
It's been a very busy past few months. Christmas is about here and I'm even busier between clients and making a LOT of stuff for my children this year.
The beginning of the year is looking to be even busier already with client orders.
Whoo Hoo!!
So let's just have the run down of what's been cooking in the workshed of late.
A vintage secretary desk before and after:
The beginning of the year is looking to be even busier already with client orders.
Whoo Hoo!!
So let's just have the run down of what's been cooking in the workshed of late.
A vintage secretary desk before and after:
Fixed up a little girls chair for a client:
Found this old box on the side of the road and just HAD to pretty it up!
Decided we TOTALLY needed a new Advent Calendar this year and made my son find some sticks in the woods behind our house. He and I cut, nailed, glued, and tied this sucker together. Then I made some little linen bags to put the goodies in, and numbered them with vintage carnival tickets with a stencil.
Had to take time out to roll Toomer's Corner here in Auburn after the massive double win against Alabama and then Missouri:
This is a Carnival style chalk and magnetic board I designed and made for my daughter.
Also had to help same daughter with a "Mr. Popper's Penguins", project at school that had me molding and painting several little penguins with her. She design the set and I just did all the technical stuff like hot gluing half my fingers together. The high wire was just the bee's knees though when we finished.
She got a "A".
And THIS is my oldest daughters God-awful dresser that I am currently working on. It actually would have been finished today except I was brilliant enough to get the wrong screw size for the knobs that go on the top drawers. Here's a little sneak peak, but I should have the entire project posted next week. BTW, my daughter designed this one for herself. She made me proud!
Oh, I made this Christmas sign originally intended to do my theme in blue and silver until I started working on this:
Dear God, it is so heavy!
So now I have the blue sign up for sale on Etsy if you are short handed on one.
So now to get the right sized screws for my daughters dresser and finish that up. THEN..... we start working on these beautiful girls:
Are they not to die for!
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