Time To Get Organized!

School has started, business is picking up, and I'm.... A.... Mess!  Literally, this is what my work table has turned into of late:

What a Freaking Mess!!

After nursing myself through another migraine for the past few days, the family decided to head to Atlanta to see the Georgia Aquarium.  One of my daughters had been begging to go for some time, and my oldest daughter was gonna leave home if we didn't hit one of the malls up there soon.  I wasn't totally into it until the hubs asked if I wanted to stop by Ikea on the way.

That did it!

What I got up there has me itching to go back next weekend for more!  I purchased these awesome burlap media boxes in the Kvarnvik line in a couple of different sizes.  I think it's the first thing I've ever bought there that took me less than a week and numerous glasses of wine a day to put together!

You SO know what I'm talking about, don't you?

After folding them and using a black Sharpie and some number stencils, I had 4 really cool storage boxes that were almost vintage looking!

I also purchased a couple of magazine file boxes from the same line for whatever I could find to put in them.  I think I really need to get more!

So, I spent the entire morning reorganizing and throwing massive junk I was convinced I'd use someday "stuff" out, I finally found the top of my work table!

I found this nifty copper canister bin off of ebay and now use it it for holding paint brushes, wax brushes, and paint pens instead of the ba-ZIL-lion glass jars I had all over the table.  It's not quite ready for Home & Garden magazine, but at least it's a LOT better than it was 8 hours ago!

I think we can now use the dining table for its original purpose - eating together as a family.

Thanks Ikea!

And thanks to the Atlanta Georgia Aquarium for some happy kids as well!

Vintage Resurrections


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