Industrial-Looking Magazine Rack
Our office/workroom/kids-wanna-make-it-a-playroom is always in some state of disarray these days. I can't even begin to tell you the mounds of supplies and paperwork that has accumulated in what should be a sunroom for relaxing. I so hate small houses!
The hubs has been bugging me to death lately to get some sort of In/Out box for myself so that the paperwork he needs me to do for his business isn'tusually accidentally sent to one of the kids teachers instead.
So I'm thinking of making something when I just happened upon the exact thing I needed at Marshall's the other day.
Only problem - wrong color.
It was bright red and I needed something more in line with vintage industrial. I just happened to have a can of "Hammered Metal" spray paint by Rustoleum that has been waiting (patiently), for just this kind of project. A couple of coats later, I had a industrial-looking wire magazine rack for the office!
As I've mentioned on my Facebook page, Tim Holtz is not just for scrapbooking! I am constantly collecting cool stuff of his every time I visit Hobby Lobby or Tuesday Morning here. It's that perfect mix of French/Industrial/Steampunk looks that I love.
I had a package of vintage-looking bin numbers from the Ideaology line on hand. I used some Elmer's spray glue and adhered to the middle top of each pocket on the rack, making sure each tag hole was near a wire. I then took the brads that came with the tags, and instead of spreading the brads apart, I wrapped them around the wire that was by each hole to secure them in place. All in all, it took about an hour to complete.
All that's left is finding a place to hang it and have it completely full of "stuff" before the day is through!
BTW, my every-so-joyful 6 year old has decided to get on the crafting/designing train herself. Yesterday she felt that a couple of our steps down to the pool needed a "makeover". She methodically removed moss from one corner of the yard and covered the steps completely.
She was SO pleased with herself and I'm not sure I want to remove it because it IS rather comfortable to walk on now, and I'm kinda liking it myself.
The hubs has been bugging me to death lately to get some sort of In/Out box for myself so that the paperwork he needs me to do for his business isn't
So I'm thinking of making something when I just happened upon the exact thing I needed at Marshall's the other day.
Only problem - wrong color.
It was bright red and I needed something more in line with vintage industrial. I just happened to have a can of "Hammered Metal" spray paint by Rustoleum that has been waiting (patiently), for just this kind of project. A couple of coats later, I had a industrial-looking wire magazine rack for the office!
As I've mentioned on my Facebook page, Tim Holtz is not just for scrapbooking! I am constantly collecting cool stuff of his every time I visit Hobby Lobby or Tuesday Morning here. It's that perfect mix of French/Industrial/Steampunk looks that I love.
I had a package of vintage-looking bin numbers from the Ideaology line on hand. I used some Elmer's spray glue and adhered to the middle top of each pocket on the rack, making sure each tag hole was near a wire. I then took the brads that came with the tags, and instead of spreading the brads apart, I wrapped them around the wire that was by each hole to secure them in place. All in all, it took about an hour to complete.
All that's left is finding a place to hang it and have it completely full of "stuff" before the day is through!
BTW, my every-so-joyful 6 year old has decided to get on the crafting/designing train herself. Yesterday she felt that a couple of our steps down to the pool needed a "makeover". She methodically removed moss from one corner of the yard and covered the steps completely.
She was SO pleased with herself and I'm not sure I want to remove it because it IS rather comfortable to walk on now, and I'm kinda liking it myself.
Vintage Resurrections
- est, 2011 -
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